
First, refer to Installation for setting up Smart Pots. After having installed successfully the requirements, follow the next steps:

Running on Linux

  1. Start the MQTT Broker service. The Broker represents an intermediary entity that enables the MQTT clients to communicate.

If Mosquitto is used, run:

sudo service mosquitto start

To test if it is running use the netstat –at command. You should see the Mosquitto broker running on port 1883.

To stop the service, use sudo service mosquitto stop.

2. Running the application. The proper way to run the application is:

python3 app.py

This way, we make sure that SocketIO is used, as Flask is wrapped in SocketIO.

Note: To only run the Flask app (no MQTT communication), just use:

flask run

[Optional] 3. Run the MQTT subscriber to check that data is successfully received.

python3 mqtt_comms_sub.py


To run the tests, simply execute:


To measure the code coverage, run:

coverage run -m pytest

and then use coverage report to report on the results:

coverage report -m

For a nicer presentation, use coverage html to get annotated HTML listings detailing missed lines.

Developer Tools


We used the OpenAPI Initiative (OAI) to specify what our API can do.

The Swagger API can be accessed at:


The AsyncAPI Specification is a comprehensive specification language for describing asynchronous messaging APIs.

If AsyncAPI Generator is not installed, you can install it by running:

npm install -g @asyncapi/generator

Then, run:

ag water.yml @asyncapi/html-template -o output