


python3 and pip3 are installed. Also, you should have an MQTT Broker installed.

Mosquitto MQTT Broker Installation

For installing Mosquitto MQTT Broker, go to their official website and download and install the Mosquitto Broker for your OS.

For Ubuntu/Debian:


sudo apt-get install mosquitto

To check whether the service is running or not and to start it, run:

sudo systemctl status mosquitto # Checking if the service is running
sudo systemctl start mosquitto # Start the service

For Mac:

Install Mosquitto on Mac OS using Homebrew:

brew install mosquitto


  1. Install virtualenv if not already installed:

On Linux, run:

sudo pip3 install virtualenv

2. Create a new virtual environment:

cd Smart-Pots/
virtualenv .venv

Note: Use .venv or any $NAME for your virtualenv.

3. Activate the environment:

source .venv/bin/activate

and you should see your .venv activated

(.venv) ~/Smart-Pots$

Note: To deactivate the environment, simply use deactivate.

4. Install the required libraries:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

5. To switch Flask to the development environment and enable debug mode, set FLASK_ENV:

export FLASK_ENV=development

6. Initialize (or reinitialize) database:

flask init-db